Oracle · Web API

Calling Web API REST based Services from Oracle

A distributed system has many networked components, and each of them interact by passing messages to each other. In my current project implementation, one such problem i had to solve was passing few xml messages from an Oracle database hosted on one part of the globe to a Web API  (.NET) based REST service hosted… Continue reading Calling Web API REST based Services from Oracle

SQL Server

SQL Server query performance tuning

Performance is a primary focus area for many enterprise applications. While there are numerous articles & information available on how to improve performance, here are the quick list of pointers which one should consider for performance tuning (based out of my experience) . Stored procedures are always more performance oriented than the inline queries since these are… Continue reading SQL Server query performance tuning

WCF with Msmq

Poison and Retry message handling with MSMQ using WCF Net.Msmq binding

Transactional Queues Overview In my earlier blog Setup MSMQ with WCF using Net.Msmq binding, we have learnt to setup non-transactional queues and process the queue messages with WCF Net.Msmq binding. Non-transactional queues are volatile queues and if (god forbid!) the queue manager crashes, all your messages are gone. Now, i am sure you would not want… Continue reading Poison and Retry message handling with MSMQ using WCF Net.Msmq binding